My Brush Cleaning Routine

Happy Hump Day fishies,

As I stared at my giant pile of dirty brushes and cosmetic sponges, I thought why not document this lovely process for my readers?

This is the routine that I have been using for a couple years now and best of all you probably have these items in your home. I am not completely sold on specialty soaps or cleansers for brushes or sponges… I kind of feel like they are just a money grab. All you need is your beauty tools, running water, a bar of soap, some baby oil and a brush egg!

So! Let’s get into it:

For sponges you’ll need:

  • 1 bar of white/non-harsh bar soap
  • some baby oil
  • elbow grease!

I actually used to use a cheap liquid soap before I saw NikkieTutorials method on Youtube, and I find this has better results. So what I like to do is inflate my sponges with some water and then pour baby oil onto the really stained areas. After it’s in the sponge, I take a bar of soap and literally scrub the sponge into the bar of soap. You’ll see the makeup running out, trust me. The oil helps emulsify the foundations, creams, concealers etc and the water/soap creates a barrier around the oil allowing you to rinse it away. Remember, keep scrubbing to get out all the product! I like to set these to dry on a towel in the sun (speeds up the drying process).

For brushes you’ll need:

  • 1 brush egg (link here & here to buy)
  • some baby oil (if you need it)
  • bar of soap


Brush Eggs (white one is from eBay; black one is from MissA)

I start by rinsing my brushes and getting the bristles nice and wet. Next I’ll swirl my brushes into my bar of soap and if required, I will dip the bristles in some oil beforehand (I normally only do this for my kabuki/foundation buffers since they can get clogged up with product and they are quite dense). I then take the brush and scrub it into the brush egg. Scrub it real good girl!! You’ll see the ridges allow for the cleanser to foam up real nice and you’ll be able to see product running out of the brush. Rinse your brush, and voila! Nice and clean. Don’t forget to dry brushes on a towel, tipped against a wall upside down so that no water gets into the ferrel.

So that’s my deep cleaning brush routine. For spot cleaning my brushes, I like to use e.l.f’s Everyday Brush Cleaner. It’s $6 CAD and works well and dries quickly. To be completely honest I have many duplicate brushes since spot cleaning isn’t my preference – I can easily grab a clean brush. I’d rather just deep clean all my brushes in one go.

Okay fishies, thought I would keep it short and sweet! How do you guys clean your brushes? Let me know in the comments! 🙂

Until next time 😉



bf ♥


PS- don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, Twitter & Bloglovin

6 thoughts on “My Brush Cleaning Routine

  1. I agree I think there are to many brush cleaning products out there, that don’t even do a decent job. I like this idea, I wash my brushes in any type of baby shampoo. I find this works for me, and keeps my brushes in tack.


  2. I will have to try this for my brushes 😊 I normally just use a baby shampoo and it doesn’t really remove the makeup residues properly especially for cream products. I need to a brush egg and try this method 😀 Thanks for sharing ❤ It was super helpful for me! 👍💕


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